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Reverend Cheryl Hill-Herder is the younger of two children born to Clayton Sr. and the late Mildred A. Hill, godly parents who raised her in the fear and admonition of the Lord.  She is the beloved wife of Elder Robert Darryl Herder and in 2009, they were blessed with a miracle -- a beautiful baby girl named Seren Milla.  

Covered by divine favor and guided by His love, Reverend Hill-Herder was saved by grace and set apart for the Master's use at the age of 13.  It was then that she began a love relationship with her Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ that prepared her for the life she now lives as His beloved disciple and Friend – one wholly committed to living out a life governed by the principles of faith, hope and love.


Blessed to accomplish two Bachelors Degrees in the areas of Psychology, Marketing, History, and Education, in addition to two Masters Degrees in Organizational Psychology and Social Work with an emphasis in Clinical Counseling, God unveiled a heavenly purpose for her life when He called her to proclaim the Gospel of her Lord at the age of 26.  Since then, she has dedicated her full-time profession to the evangelism of lost souls, while encouraging the Saints of God toward spiritual growth and personal development.

Gifted with a prophetic teaching and prayer ministry, the Holy Spirit has fashioned this humble, yet powerful Woman of God with a charisma that is all her own.  For more than a decade now, her total dependence on Him has birthed new life, restoration, and revival in souls across the nation through:

Evangelical preaching 

Dynamic teaching with special burdens for men, women, singles, couples and the Christian family

Christ-centered counseling to the addicted and afflicted

Intercessory prayer leadership

Prison outreach and evangelism

Gospel choir singing

Licensed and ordained into the Gospel ministry in the year 2000 by the Abundant Harvest Fellowship of Churches, International, Reverend Hill-Herder receives leadership direction and pastoral covering from Reverend Ronald Green (Senior Pastor of the Hickman Temple AME Church in Philadelphia) and serves alongside her Husband as the Senior Pastor of the Path of Life Church in West Deptford Township, NJ, and the CEO of Shine Forth Christian Ministries, a life and ministry training organization offering Bible-based, evangelical  programs for men, women and youth seeking to live a fruitful, purpose-driven life in Christ.

What is her heart’s passion, you may ask?  It’s simple … to be used by God as an instrument of divine healing – a messenger of the Lord Jesus Christ anointed to decree peace, liberty and strength for all who dare to believe (as she does) that He lives; and that “His” love is all they will ever need.


Her Life Verse:

Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send and who will go for us?  Then said I, Here am I; send me. 

~    Isaiah 6: 8

​©2014 Reverend Cheryl Hill-Herder all rights reserved.​

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